Do You Wanna Be

a Million-Dollar Producer?

Hi, I'm Antoinette Rodriguez, also known as the other “ARod.” With over 20 years of coaching on Wall Street and my time as a financial advisor at Merrill Lynch, I've delved into hundreds of million-dollar wealth-producing books of business, gaining an insider's look at how the high net worth grow their fortunes.

I'm the CEO of New York City-based MarFi Advisors (stands for Marketing for Financial Advisors) and host of the Wall Street Growth Hacks podcast. I'm also the Chairwoman of Financial Advisor Magazine's Invest in Women initiative.

I designed each MarFi Million Dollar Academy course with proven growth strategies, actionable steps, and quizzes to help you acquire and retain more AUM by investing just one hour per week.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What will I receive for my monthly subscription?

You will receive actionable weekly mini-courses and quizzes you can complete in 1 hour per week to help you scale your practice to $1 million or more in production.

Why do I need to 10X my skills right now?

In the era of AI, an aging population, and the largest wealth transfer in the history of the world, if you don't continually add marketing and productivity skills to your financial advisory practice, your business will cease to exist. You cannot spend massive amounts of time learning new skills. Your overwhelmed brain doesn't work that way. Hence why I designed a focused one-hour per week, digestible and actionable marketing and productivity curriculum for MarFi Million Dollar Academy.

What topics will be covered to help me grow my business?

MarFi Million Dollar Academy courses are hyper-focused on growing your business.

You will receive a timely new course every week for a full year including: Understanding the High Net Worth Mindset*; What the Great Wealth Transfer Means to You*; Bits and Bytes: Using AI to 10X Productivity; How to position Bitcoin ETFs, Building a Million Dollar Brand, Speed-Learning, and so much more!

*Immediate Access*